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      Explore Nature

      Welcome to the Great Outdoors

      From the rugged volcanic Vogelsberg uplands to the romantic rolling vineyards of the Rheingau, over a third of the state of Hessen is made up of diverse natural landscapes.

      A Natural Beauty

      Looking for fresh air, panoramic views and some bracing outdoor activities?
      Hessen may have lively cities and cultural offerings aplenty, but Germany’s most heavily forested state is also known for its diverse and beautiful rural scenery. Explore rolling vineyards, peaceful valleys or craggy volcanic landscapes, nature parks or wooded conservation areas. Why not head to the ancient beech forests of Nordhessen, the high peaks of the Rhön mountains or the peaceful meadows of the Lahn Valley.

      There are all sorts of ways to explore Hessen’s extraordinary natural beauty. The extensive networks of cycling and hiking trails here are well-marked and carefully maintained, and many of Hessen’s streams and rivers ideal for canoe trips. Adventures can be had on ski slopes in winter or come summer, up in the air on a hang-glide or paraglide; for a more relaxing holiday, why not try a spot of forest bathing or a picnic by a lake.

      Whether you're looking for an active holiday, well-earned rest and relaxation or a fascinating educational experience, Hessen's natural landscapes offer unforgettable experiences for everyone.

      Hessen's Nature Parks

      UNESCO World Natural Heritage Kellerwald-Edersee National Park

      • Countryside

      ... and a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park in Nordhessen is …

      The Rhön UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Hessian Rhön Nature Park

      Every landscape has its own soul – poet Christian Morgenstern certainly believed this to be true. …

      Bergstraße-Odenwald UNESCO Global Geopark

      • Countryside

      The Geo-Naturpark (UNESCO Global Geopark) lets you discover a charming, historical landscape. It …

      Kellerwald-Edersee Nature Park

      • Countryside

      The Naturpark Kellerwald-Edersee is situated in North Hessen, a richly forested landscape that is …

      High Vogelsberg Nature Park

      • Countryside

      The volcanoes in the Naturpark Hoher Vogelsberg may have died out some 15 million years ago, but …

      Frau-Holle-Land Geo Nature Park

      The radiant pink of the poppy fields in early summer is one of the most impressive colours in the …

      Reinhardswald Nature Park

      • Countryside

      At the gates of the documenta city of Kassel in the northernmost tip of Hessen, lies the largest …

      Active Holidays

      Hiking in Hessen

      With over 5,200km of well-marked and maintained hiking trails for all levels and ages, you're …

      Cycling in Hessen

      Good for the body and mind and great for the environment, exploring Hessen by bicycle is also a lot …