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      The Rhön UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Hessian Rhön Nature Park

      A Flagship Region for the Interplay Between Man and Nature

      Every landscape has its own soul – poet Christian Morgenstern certainly believed this to be true. The soul of the Rhön can be seen in its impressive natural experiences and traditional cultural landscape.

      A perfect balance

      If you’re on your travels through the Rhön, you’ll treasure its expansive views above all else. There are hardly any forests around the former volcanic craters that have shaped the hilly landscape, and so the views span far across the centuries-old plains. Despite this, the “land of magnificent views” has a lot more to offer. You’d be hard-pushed to find a more diverse sub-mountainous region in Germany. Spooky moors alternate with colourful mountain meadows, full of dancing butterflies. Attentive nature lovers will find a wealth of flora and fauna here, including lots of species that are on the verge of extinction elsewhere. You can also find lovely orchard landscapes and picturesque pastures, complete with grazing herds of Rhön sheep. The Rhön UNESCO Biosphere Reserve manages to balance nature with culture. The reserve aims to achieve a symbiosis between the two. Unlike a nature reserve, the focus is not just on conservation; it’s also about combining human industry with nature. Rhön sheep are a living example of this and have given the “land of magnificent views” its typical image. When the land was hilly and full of beech trees, the Rhön used to be called “Buchonia” (“the Land of the Beech Tree”). People cleared the forests back in the Middle Ages to create grazing space for their sheep. The animals grazed and stopped the landscape becoming overgrown. You can still see herds of Rhön sheep in the region to this day.

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