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      Art and Culture

      Arts and Culture

      With such a long and rich history, it’s no surprise there's such a huge range of arts and culture offerings in Hessen. From museums and performing arts to literary festivals and live music, Hessen truly offers something for everyone.

      Hessen is home to more than 300 museums, covering a huge range of arts, science and cultural topics. Visit the globally acclaimed permanent and temporary art exhibitions in Frankfurt and Kassel or the maths and science offerings of the Mathematikum in Giessen. Head to the European Space Agency in Darmstadt or the Leica Museum in Wetzlar. Bookworms will love the seemingly endless Grimm-related museums, from big to small, over the north of the state.

      Performing arts are the beating heart of Hessen's cities. Visit Wiesbaden for live performances ranging from classical music concerts to ballet, opera, theatre and jazz. Join an outdoor musical performance in the baroque city of Fulda. Those with a passion for fashion should make a note that from 2021 onwards, Germany's Fashion week will be taking place in Frankfurt.

      Soak in Hessen's culture simply by wandering its streets and admiring historic buildings, from the art nouveau architecture and the beautiful 19th century spa buildings to majestic baroque palaces and quaint half-timbered house. Or enjoy some of Hessen's fabulous festivals, celebrating everything from its regional food and drink to its theatre, literary history and opera.

      This page will be soon updated with some of our annual highlights (subject to COVID-19 regulations) and tips for visiting some of Hessen's most exciting museums and cultural spaces.