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      Privacy Policy

      Privacy Policy

      Data protection declaration − Hessen Agentur GmbH:
      As a state-owned company of the State of Hessen, the Hessen Agentur GmbH is subject to the provisions of the Hessen Data Protection Act – HDSG ( and the Telemedia Act – TMG (

      Use of our website
      You can visit our website without having to disclose any personal information concerning your identity, e.g. your name, email address, address or other personal details.

      Data protection declaration for the use of Matomo
      This website uses Matomo, an open source website analysis service. Matomo uses cookies. These are text files that are saved on your computer to analyse your usage of the website. Information generated by cookies regarding your use of this website is saved on our server. Your IP address is made anonymous before the information is saved.

      Information generated by cookies regarding your use of this website is not passed on to third parties. You can stop cookies being saved by activating a setting on your web browser software. However, we would like to point out that you will not be able to fully use all the functions of this website if you disable cookies.

      If you do not agree to the saving and usage of your data, you can deactivate this here. An opt-out cookie will then be stored on your browser to prevent Matomo from saving your usage data. If you delete your cookies, this will also delete the Matomo opt-out cookie. You will then have to reactivate the opt-out cookie when you next visit the website.


      Disclosure of personal data to third parties
      Your personal data will only be collected, saved and processed by HA Hessen Agentur GmbH and external service providers who are contractually bound as data processors within the scope of the applicable data protection legislation. We will disclose your data to authorised bodies if required to do so in compliance with our legal obligations, a court decision or for law enforcement purposes.

      Links to other websites
      Despite careful checking of the content, we do not accept any liability for the content of external links. The operators of external websites are solely responsible for their content. When the link was made, there was no indication that the contents of the page might not comply with statutory regulations. Please inform us immediately if one of the linked pages does not or no longer complies with statutory regulations. The terms of licence and terms of use of the respective website operator apply.

      Automatic data acquisition
      For technical reasons, the following data is sent to us when you visit our website:
      • browser type and version
      • operating system
      • website you were redirected from (referrer URL)
      • websites that you visit
      • date and time of your visit

      This information is stored in a separate place away from personal information, and so conclusions cannot be drawn about a particular person. The information is collected solely for statistical purposes to optimise our website and adapt it to better suit your needs. This data is deleted once it has been evaluated.

      Use of cookies
      We use so-called “session cookies” on some of our pages to make it easier for you to use our website. These are small text files that are stored on your hard drive for the duration of your visit and then deleted according to your browser settings, normally when you close the browser. These cookies do not access any information stored on your hard drive and thus do not affect your PC or files. Most browsers are set to automatically accept these cookies. You can, however, choose to deactivate the saving of cookies or set your browser to notify you when cookies are used.

      Cookie consent via Oil.js
      Our website uses the Cookie consent technology of OIL.js Cookie-Consent-Management-Frameworks to obtain your consent to store certain Cookies in your browser and documents these in line with data protection requirements. Axel Springer SE, Axel-Springer-Str. 65, D-10888 Berlin, is the provider of this technology. If you access our website, an OIL.js Cookie (oil_data) will be stored in your browser that stores the consent granted by you, or cancellation of such consent. Such data shall not be forwarded to the provider of OIL.js Cookie. We shall store the recorded data until you ask us to delete such data, you delete the OIL.js Cookie, the purpose for the data storage becomes inapplicable or until the OIL.js Cookie is automatically deleted after 31 days. This does not affect compulsory, legal, storage periods. Please visit for information about the data processing of the OIL.js Cookie. OIL.js Cookie consent technology is used to obtain consent for the use of Cookies specified by law. Article. 6(1), sentence 1, letter c, GDPR, forms the legal basis in this respect.

      Name Cookie / Purpose of the Cookie / Storage period
      oil_data / Storage of the Cookie user settings / 31 days

      Data transfer security
      When data is transferred via open networks like the Internet, the current state of technology cannot guarantee full data security or protection against third-party access. Please do not send us confidential information over the Internet (e.g. via our contact form or email) without sufficient protection. All forms used to collect personal data on this website are encrypted with the https protocol (SSL encryption).

      Child protection
      Our website is not aimed at children under the age of 14. Children under the age of 14 are not permitted to send us personal data over the Internet without the consent of their parents or guardians. We assure you that we do not collect, save or process the personal information of children under the age of 14.

      Data processing in states outside the European Economic Area
      The personal data that we collect and save on our website and computer systems are not processed outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area.

      Information on the processing, correction and deletion of data
      You have the right to request information about saved or processed data relating to you, including its origin, recipients and purpose. If you have given us consent to save or process your data, you have the right to revoke this at any time (e.g. by emailing

      We delete the data saved on our systems as soon as there is no longer reason to store or process it. We regularly check whether data still needs to be stored. We will act upon your request if you want us to delete your personal data.

      Doubleclick by Google
      DoubleClick by Google is a service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). DoubleClick by Google uses cookies to present ads that are relevant to you. Your browser is assigned a pseudonymous identification number (ID) to check which ads have been displayed in your browser and which ads have been viewed. The cookies do not contain any personal information. DoubleClick cookies allow Google and its partner websites to display ads based on previous visits to our website and others on the Internet. Google transfers and saves the information generated by cookies on a server located in the USA. Google will only disclose this information to third parties if legally required to do so or within the context of contracted order processing. Google will never combine your data with other data it has collected. By using our website, you hereby agree to let Google process your personal data in the manner and for the purpose described above. You can stop cookies being saved by activating a setting on your web browser software. However, we would like to point out that you will not be able to fully use all the functions of this website if you disable cookies. You can also prevent Google from using cookies to generate data relating to your website usage and from processing this information by downloading and installing the browser plugin listed under “DoubleClick deactivation extension” under this link. Alternatively, you can deactivate the DoubleClick cookies on the Digital Advertising Alliance website using the following link.

      Data protection officer
      If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact the data protection officer at HA Hessen Agentur GmbH / Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH and the data protection officer at HA Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (HASEG):

      Data protection officer at Hessen Agentur / Hessen Trade & Invest

      Tel.: +49 611 / 950 17-8286

      Fax: +49 611 / 950 17-58286

      © 2018 Hessen Agentur