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      High Vogelsberg Nature Park

      Hessen’s Extinct Volcanoes

      The volcanoes in the Naturpark Hoher Vogelsberg may have died out some 15 million years ago, but nature lovers can still experience the region’s fiery past.

      The heart of Hessen

      The Naturpark Hoher Vogelsberg is located in the heart of Hessen. The open, sub-mountainous landscape is varied and perfect for walkers, and the Vogelsberg volcanic region stands out with its curious rock formations. They’ve been created over thousands of years as a result of erosion and weathering. Your walks in the region will take you through natural forests, moorland, lots of headstreams and the 774-metre-high Taufstein mountain. Special themed trails like the “Naturspur” and the “Sinneespfad” offer deep relaxation in a diverse landscape. The interplay of light and shadow on the forest floor, the whispering leaves and the feeling of soft grass under your feet makes the “Sinnespfad” sensory trail a great way for you to destress and relax. The Teufelskanzel, Bilstein, Geiselstein and the Uhuklippen in the picturesque Schwarzbach Valley are natural monuments that add to the charm of the region. The Vogelsberg has a gentle climb on its eastern slope and a steep western slope. You can enjoy picturesque views of valleys, intersected by brooks and streams that offer walkers a spot to rest their tired feet. The altitude and bracing climate will stabilise your circulation, and the air in the mountains and forests offers refreshment on hot summer days. Numerous palaces, castles and towers were built between the 13th and 17th centuries, using the typically dark-blue basalt rocks of the Vogelsberg region. Many of them still stand to this day, offering unique views. For example, the romantic castle ruins in Ulrichstein provide a unique view of the Schlossberg across Hessen’s sub-mountainous landscape.

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