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      Shopping in Hessen

      From independent shops to luxury boutiques and traditional markets to modern malls, shopping in Hessen caters for every taste and budget.

      Browse original clothes from local designers or high-end pieces from global brands, hunt for treasures at flea markets or handmade souvenirs such as traditional ceramics and textiles, or splash out on state-of-the-art German-made, high-tech goods. Photographers shouldn't miss out on the Leica store in Wetzlar!

      Strolling through a town soaking up the local atmosphere is just as enjoyable a way to experience a city as exploring all the sights. With pedestrianized areas in all of Hessen's largest cities and most of its smaller towns and villages, shopping here is a stress-free pleasure to be enjoyed at your own pace.

      Head to Frankfurt or Wiesbaden for luxury boutiques; go on a shopping spree at over 600 specialty shops in Kassel; or enjoy a leisurely wander in Fulda's beautiful Baroque town centre, where you'll find all manner of independently owned shops.

      Many of Hessen's larger cities are also home to shopping malls. At the Frankfurt Zeil, in the heart of the city's so-called shopping mile, the Galerie Neustadter Tor in Giessen and the Luisencenter in Darmstadt you can visit chain stores and independent shops and take a break at a café or restaurant all under one roof.

      Speaking of food: Hessen's farmers' markets are a treat for locals and visitors alike. As well as fresh local fruit and vegetables and local meats and cheeses, you'll find delicious international specialties. And don't forget Hessen's Christmas markets for festive decorations, souvenirs and local arts and crafts!

      Hessen's Farmers Markets

      Visiting Hessen's farmers markets is a great way to explore its regional culinary offerings and experience life like a local.

      Where to Shop

      From farmers' markets to exclusive boutiques and everything in between, shopping in Hessen offer something for everyone. …