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      VILA VITA Rosenpark

      Discover something new in the heart of Germany

      Experience the harmonious balance of body, mind and soul far away from your hectic everyday life: Enjoy a spa break in the Hotel VILA VITA Rosenpark. Discover a spa area spanning over 1,000 sq metres with gyms and relaxing body treatments and massages. The new snow cabin is a real highlight. It’s the only one of its kind in Marburg and the surrounding area. The body can experience pure recuperation at temperatures of minus ten degrees. The freshly fallen snow lets you relax pleasantly after spending time in the hot steam room. We offer: Finnish sauna, organic sauna, aromatherapy steam cabins, steam cabins, thermal salt grottos, snow cabin, infra-red chairs, swinging loungers, various product lines, body treatments, facials, massages, relaxation room, private label, Rosenpark Spa product line, signature treatment, hot-stone therapy, Kneipp pool, cosmetic treatments, manicures, pedicures, gym, pool.