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      Göbel’s Hotel Aqua Vita mit QuellenTherme

      Göbel’s Hotel Aqua Vita – Bad Wildungen-Reinhardshausen

      Treat yourself to a break from your everyday life and do something good for your health with a stay at the four-star Göbel’s Hotel AquaVita.

      It is situated right by Europe’s largest spa gardens in Bad Wildungen-Reinhardshausen. The spa town near the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kellerwald-Edersee National Park entices visitors with its picturesque old town, healing springs and wide range of health-promoting and cultural activities. A 2,000 sq metre health centre is attached to the hotel. You can relax in the QuellenTherme’s saunas, in the physiotherapy and prevention centre and in the beauty and spa lounge with numerous health and spa treatments. The treatments involving natural fango are a real treat, as are the jacuzzis. Here you can find an ideal combination of facilities for your health, beauty, relaxation, fitness and therapy.